Fraud Statistics Jul 17 - Jun 18

As we spend more than ever on our cards, the rate of fraud is also increasing. 

We collect payments fraud statistics from Australia’s financial institutions and major card schemes twice-yearly.

Tacking card fraud is a key priority for industry. We publish the aggregated data to help increase awareness about fraud trends, prevention and security, and to assist financial institutions in:

  • monitoring fraud trends
  • developing targeted mitigation strategies

In the 12 months to 30 June 2018, transactions made on Australian cards totalled more than $767 billion – up 5.1%. Card fraud grew at a slightly slower rate, increasing by 4.8% to $565 million:

  • counterfeit and skimming fraud dropped 45.7% to $23 million
  • card-not-present fraud increased 7.8% to $478 million, now accounting for 85% of all fraud on Australian cards

As chip technology continues to provide strong protection against counterfeit card, fraud is migrating to online channels. 

For further information on this data release, please see the accompanying Media Release.

Fraud Statistics Jul 17 - Jun 18 Revised Oct 20

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Fraud Perpetrated on Australian Cheques and Cards

1 July 2017 - 30 June 2018 (Revised October 2020)

Fraud Transactions Total Transactions Fraud Rates
Number Value Number (millions) Value (millions) as % of total no. of transactions as % of total value ($) of transactions
Cheques 637   $4,649,080   81 ^ $1,022,836 ^ 0.0008% 0.0005%
Australian-issued cards 4,006,046  $566,875,746 9,452 $767,402  0.0424% 0.0739%
Proprietary debit cards 48,646 $14,364,369 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Scheme credit, debit and charge cards 3,957,400 $552,511,377 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total 4,006,683 $571,524,826 9,533 $1,790,234 0.0420% 0.0319%


^ = Figures have been revised.

Cheque Fraud Perpetrated in Australia

1 July 2017 - 30 June 2018

Category Actual Exposure Recoveries*
On-Us Fraud Transactions Value ($) Transactions Value ($) Value ($)
Valueless 4 304,500 531 16,927,816 665,320
Fraudulently Altered 156 1,508,511 319 4,674,053 580,835
Stolen Blank Cheque / Book 374 1,707,481 1,649 9,813,602 213,657
Originated Counterfeit Cheques 24 190,740 128 1,174,301 694,612
Non-originated Counterfeit Cheques 31 235,658 153 7,933,881 167,098
Breach of Mandate 4 66,932 7 1,005,947 0
On-Us Total 593 4,013,822 2,787 41,529,600 2,321,522
Deposit Fraud        
Valueless 21 189,527 443 13,087,672 544,089
Valueless - Kite Flying 10 408,371 26 1,705,173 424,675
Third Party Conversion 13 37,360 33 142,820 9,263
Deposit Total 44 635,258 502 14,935,665 978,027
Total 637 4,649,080 3,289 56,465,265 3,299,549


* Data on the 'transactions' of recoveries is not collected.

“Actual” losses can relate to “Exposure” during an earlier period. This explains why, in some reporting periods,actual losses may exceed exposure.

Proprietary Debit Card Fraud Perpetrated in Australia

1 July 2017 - 30 June 2018

Category Transactions Value
Debit Card Fraud – PIN Used:
Lost/Stolen 12,518 3,225,826
Never Received 3,405 1,519,660
Counterfeit/Skimming 23,761 7,877,797
Other 1,853 1,080,223
PIN Used Total 41,537 13,703,506
Debit Card Fraud – PIN Not Used:
Lost/Stolen 4,411 312,290
Never Received 1,464 98,536
Counterfeit/Skimming 440 152,102
Other 794 97,935
PIN Not Used Total 7,109 660,863
Total Debit Card Fraud 48,646 14,364,369


Note: For fraudulent transactions initiated at ATMs, POS terminals and other devices, the above statistics incorporate all transactions where either "cheque" or "savings" was selected, regardless of the type of card used (that is debit card, 'combo’ card, scheme card etc). The number of fraud transactions does not represent the number of cards or consumers affected. Typically, multiple fraud transactions are made on a single card.


Scheme Credit, Debit and Charge Card Fraud
Perpetrated in Australia and Overseas on Australia-issued Cards

1 July 2017 - 30 June 2018 (Revised May 2019)

Category In Australia Overseas Total
  Transactions Value ($) Transactions Value ($) Transactions Value ($)
Lost / Stolen 372,771 31,680,462 78,801 16,008,239 451,572 47,688,701
Never Received 34,353 5,864,153 2,064 401,735 36,417 6,265,898
Fraudulent Application 6,878 1,758,990 2,050 647,448 8,928 2,406,438
Counterfeit / Skimming 19,480 4,692,259 40,311 10,310,772 59,791 15,003,031
Card Not Present (CNP) 1,819,875 249,949,553 1,573,064 229,382,911 3,392,939 479,332,464
Other 3,865 919,273 3,888 895,573 7,753 1,814,846
Total 2,257,222 294,864,700 1,700,178 257,646,677 3,957,400 552,511,378


Note: The number of fraud transactions does not represent the number of cards or consumers affected. Typically, multiple fraud transactions are made on a single card.

Fraud Perpetrated in Australia on Cards issued Overseas

Category Transactions Value ($)
Lost / Stolen 30,809 3,664,252
Never Received 911 99,822
Fraudulent Application 2,241 137,465
Counterfeit / Skimming 26,458 6,522,771
Card Not Present (CNP) 425,242 72,536,558
Other 3,256 885,391
Total 488,917 83,846,259


Note: The number of fraud transactions does not represent the number of cards or consumers affected. Typically, multiple fraud transactions are made on a single card.