As the payments landscape becomes more diverse, the range of organisations we bring together continues to expand.
Participation in AusPayNet activities is open to a diverse range of organisations. There are four broad categories of membership, which you can explore below.
By joining our network, organisations have the opportunity to:
These leading payment organisations participate directly in Australia's payments system.
Participant members are either:
The payment systems they participate in represent 99% of all Australian non-cash payments by volume and value. They include:
Participant members have representation on the AusPayNet board, management committees and forums.
Organisations become affiliate members by joining the Issuers and Acquirers Community.
Our affiliate members provide a range of card related products and services to the industry, including:
Operator members are the commercial operators of payments systems and associated technology companies.
Payments technology is changing fast. Innovators are finding new ways to increase convenience and efficiency. Commercial operators of payment systems and technology companies are increasingly important to the Australian economy.
Through our operator membership, organisations have the opportunity to:
PSP members are technology companies that facilitate payment functions relating to the electronic payment of money in Australia.
As payments technology continues to change, the opportunity for innovation is significant. Payment Service Providers (Paytechs) role in the market continues to grow as they find ways to improve the payment value chain.
Through our PSP membership, organisations will have the opportunity to:
The COIN is next generation connectivity for Australian payments.
The Community of Interest Network (COIN) provides network services and connectivity for domestic EFTPOS and ATM transactions, direct debit and direct credit payments, cheques and BPAY bill payments.
COIN members are typically participant members or commercial operators of at least one low-value payment stream, or organisations that clear and settle payments for them.
List of COIN Members Contact Us